The Ultimate Guide to Basement Waterproofing in Central New York


If you're a homeowner in Central New York, you've seen a fair share of nature's fury. While our region is beautiful, it's also known for heavy snowfalls, big temperature swings, and plenty of rain. All of these can lead to that dreaded feeling of snapping on the basement lights and seeing an indoor lake.

In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about:

    Common causes of flooding in your basement

    Your basement waterproofing options, their pros and cons, and how to identify which one is right for you

    Average costs to waterproof your basement in the Central New York region

    How to choose the best local contractor to provide a reliable and long-lasting solution


Water problems in your basement can result in everything from mildew infestations and musty odors to severe structural issues and health hazards from toxic mold. These problems not only hurt the value of your home, they threaten you and your family’s well being.
In fact, to give you an idea of the financial costs of basement water problems, consider this: According to a
report by Bob Vila, one of America’s leading home improvement experts, the cost of repairing a flooded basement could exceed $10,000 (not counting the replacement of damaged belongings).

Depending on the extent of damage and the urgency of repairs, your costs may shoot up even further.
But! Don't let this overwhelm you. We'll walk you through the world of basement water problems in Central New York and provide a detailed roadmap to finding the best solution. By the end, you'll have a firm understanding of your options and feel confident in taking the right steps to protect your home.
So, let's dive in!

What Causes Basement Water Issues in Central New York?

The landscape in Central New York is one of the most beautiful in the entire country. Lush forests, sweeping lakes, and ever-changing elevation, make this area of the state a natural treasure.


However, the unique climate and geography that creates such stunning scenery also contributes to your basement flooding. Here's some of the big reasons that basements flood or have issues with water intrusion:

Seasonal Rainfall and Snowmelt

We're no strangers to heavy rainfall and deep snowfalls around here. These weather events dramatically increase the amount of water seeping into the ground around your home. This excess water puts pressure on your basement and, ultimately, finds any path it can to leak (or pour) in.

High Groundwater Levels

The soil composition and climate in this area of New York results in groundwater levels that are relatively high. High groundwater levels put constant pressure on your home’s foundation, forcing water into your basement through cracks, joints, and porous material. This process is known as "hydrostatic pressure".

Proximity to Bodies of Water

Many homes in Central New York are built close to our stunning rivers, lakes, and streams. While it makes for a sensational property, being close to the water also increases the level of your water table. As with high groundwater levels, this can exert huge pressure on your foundation and lead to flooding.

Saturated Soils

Much of the soil types that are typical here in Central New York are able to hold vast amounts of moisture. Instead of draining water away, these soils hold onto it for much longer. If water tends to pool on your yard and drain slowly during spring melt or heavy rains, you likely have saturated soil. Over time, this can force excess water towards your home's foundation and cause it to seep into your basement.

While these factors may seem tough to overcome, they can in-fact be successfully managed with the right basement waterproofing technique. How? That's what we'll uncover in the next section! Let's talk about what basement waterproofing is and how it can protect your home.

What Is Basement Waterproofing?

Imagine your basement is a castle, and water is a vicious invading army. Much like you would defend a castle with walls and moats to keep an army at bay, basement waterproofing is like fortifying your basement against an army of water.


However, the world of basement waterproofing is not "one-size-fits-all". There's many techniques and approaches, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, costs, and performance. But don't worry, that's a good thing! It means you can find the right solution for your home and the problem you're facing.
Basement waterproofing solutions can be divided into two categories: interior and exterior waterproofing.
Interior waterproofing focuses on dealing with water that's already found its way inside.
Exterior waterproofing is all about stopping the water even before it ever has the chance to infiltrate your basement.
We'll walk you through explore both these methods and provide a water-tight (sorry) understanding of their advantages, drawbacks, and how they're installed.

Exterior Basement Waterproofing Solutions

To create an invincible defense against water, you have to start from the outside. Exterior basement waterproofing is an effective long-term strategy that keeps your home's foundation secure against moisture.
By creating solid barriers between your basement and incoming water, you hold the threat at bay before it can enter your home. Exterior waterproofing follows a simple, yet powerful, principle: prevention is better than the fix!


That said, it's important to know that the success of your exterior waterproofing hinges on the right application of materials designed to withstand ground moisture. Plus, making sure your waterproofing is applied by an experienced and trustworthy contractor (more about that later!)
For now, let's find out what your options are for exterior basement waterproofing.

Seal Basement With Exterior Waterproof Coating


Sealing your basement with a waterproof exterior coating is one of the most effective solutions for permanently protecting against leaks, flooding, and moisture. It's actually our preferred method, due to it's incredible performance and durability in our difficult conditions.
Unlike some basement water solutions which act more like mitigation tactics rather than true fixes, waterproofing is a permanent resolution to moisture, flooding, or dampness. It does take more effort than other options, but the results are undeniable in their incredible performance.
The process consists of excavating the area around your foundation, applying multiple coats of sealants and waterproofing, installing drainage, and replacing the soil. This creates an impenetrable barrier that separates your home from ground water, while also ensuring moisture drains safely away.
Exterior waterproofing is ideal for homeowners who face significant water intrusion, live in a saturated area, or simply want a permanent and worry-free fix. It requires little maintenance, enhances property values, and creates a safe basement environment.
Here's how it works:

Installing Exterior Waterproof Coatings

    First, your contractor will assess your home and yard to determine the best way to approach the project. This includes understanding how water flows on your property, removing any obstructions, and planning the work.
    An area is then excavated around the foundation of your home, in order to gain access to the basement walls. It might seem nerve-wracking to dig around your home, but the accurate touch of an experienced contractor will make it go smoothly.
    At this point, a drainage system like a French drain is installed to ensure water is safely re-directed away. Not all contractors will install drainage, but we believe it's the best way to guarantee permanent performance. In severe situations, exterior sump pumps might also be installed.
    Next, a series of materials are then applied to the outer face of your basement walls. Our process starts with a tough coating of fibreglass fibres, followed by durable tar polymer, and finally a layer of polymer sheet. Finally, special drainage boards are installed to direct water away from your basement walls.
    To finish it off, your contractor will carefully replace excavated material and grade it to ensure water runs away from your home. Once your landscaping is restored, all you'll be left with is a safe and dry basement.

Benefits to Exterior Waterproof Coatings

By sealing your basement walls on the outside, you're creating an impenetrable shield against water. Interrupting the water before it can infiltrate your home makes this a true "waterproofing" solution.
● Effective Insulation: Not only does it keep water out of your home, it can also improve heat insulation and provide energy savings in the long run.● Prevents Mold/Mildew: By stopping water from entering your basement, it defends against dampness and prevents the growth of mold and mildew.● Increases Property Value: With guaranteed protection against water damage, properties with well-installed waterproofing tend to have a higher market value.

Downsides to Exterior Waterproof Coatings

No solution is perfect, however, and there are some potential downsides to consider:
● High Initial Cost: While exterior waterproof coatings are the most iron-clad way to protect your home, it can be costly.● Some Disruption: The extensive excavation required to install exterior waterproof coatings can disrupt your landscape, however a good contractor will take care to minimize disturbance.● Not for DIY: Due to the experience, knowledge, and equipment required, exterior waterproof coatings are not suited for DIY jobs.

Exterior Waterproof Coatings Are Best Suited For...

Exterior waterproof coating works best in areas where significant water pressure exists outside your home, such as locations with high groundwater levels or close to bodies of water (common in Central New York). For homeowners who want an true and enduring fix from basement flooding and water damage, exterior waterproof coatings are a permanent solution.

Exterior Basement Drainage Systems


As we've already seen, stopping water before it reaches your basement is the most effective way to deal with it. Exterior drainage systems play a key role in actually directing that water away from your foundation.
These systems may also be combined with other techniques to create multiple layers of water protection. For example, we use exterior waterproof coatings and exterior drainage to ensure moisture never has the opportunity to enter. One of the most popular and effective systems is the French drain, also known as a foundation drain.
French drains consist of a trench filled with gravel, in which a perforated pipe is placed. This pipe captures water that accumulates near your foundation and reroutes it away from the home. By intercepting water before it can reach your basement walls, it prevents it from leaking into your house.


But, you should know this method doesn't provide a completely "watertight" solution. While it's still an effective measure for homes experiencing moderate water issues, you can turn it into a fully "waterproof" system by combining it with exterior waterproof coatings.
Your drainage system will manage most of the water, while the waterproof coating serves as a durable line of defense.

Installing Exterior Basement Drainage Systems

The process for installing an exterior basement drainage system typically involves:

    Excavating a trench around the home's perimeter deep enough to reach the foundation footing.
    Laying a perforated drain pipe within the trench, ensuring it slopes away from the home for proper water runoff.
    Filling the trench with gravel to support and protect the pipe.
    Covering the gravel and pipe with filter fabric or landscaping textile to prevent silt and roots from clogging the system.
    Replacing the soil and landscaping materials over the trench.

Benefits of Exterior Basement Drainage Systems

Exterior drainage systems offer several advantages when it comes to preventing the buildup and pooling of water around the foundation of your home:
● Reduced Water Pressure: By channeling water away from your home, these systems alleviate water pressure against the foundation walls which can cause leaks and seepage (or worse).● Decreased Soil Erosion: Proper water diversion can also reduce soil erosion around your foundation, which otherwise could result in early foundation failure due to loss of material.● Versatility: These systems can be tailored to the specific landscape and water flow of any property.

Downsides of Exterior Basement Drainage Systems

However, exterior drainage systems may have some drawbacks as well:
● Impact of Installation: Installation can be labor-intensive and may disturb existing landscaping.● Maintenance: Over time, these systems may become clogged with silt or plant roots and would require cleaning or repair.● Limited Effectiveness Alone: On their own, they may not fully prevent water penetration, especially during more severe conditions.

Exterior Basement Drainage Systems Are Best Suited For...

An exterior drainage system is particularly suited for homes that:

    Experience occasional water accumulation near the foundation.
    Have landscape slope issues that can be resolved by diverting water away.
    Are located in an area with manageable water table levels, where heavy water intrusion is not a constant threat.
    Combine a drainage system with other solutions, such as exterior waterproofing, to add multiple layers of protection

Reshape the Land for Better Drainage


Improving water management around your home may not necessarily require extensive systems or installations. Sometimes, a simple regrading or reshaping of your landscape can dramatically enhance drainage and protect your basement from water intrusion.
This technique revolves around working the earth to create a gentle slope leading from your foundation. Rainwater and melting snow are naturally directed away, mitigating the risk of water seeping into your basement. To achieve a perfect slope, clean-fill material may be brought-in to build up terrain around your house.
Reshaping the land can be especially useful in preventing standing or pooling water near your foundation, which left unchecked could lead to water intrusion and result in structural damage or mold growth.


However! While land grading is a useful technique and relatively economical, it might not be a suitable standalone answer for more severe water problems.
In these cases, land grading should be part of a comprehensive approach that may include installing drainage systems or exterior waterproof sealants. This "combined power" ensures a dry and healthy basement environment, preserving your home's structural integrity and comfort.

Process for Reshaping Your Land for Better Drainage

Reshaping or regrading your yard might sound like a big, messy project. But, if you're working with a quality contractor, it can actually be quite easy and painless! The process typically involves:

    First, your contractor will work with you to identify the current "problem areas" on your property where water tends to collect and pool.
    Second, a slope will be designed that effectively diverts water away from your home, but not into your neighbor's yards or other undesirable areas.
    Third, depending on the existing grade around your house, soil may be excavated and relocated or fill will be brought-in to achieve the required slope.
    Fourth, the fresh new slope is carefully compacted to prevent erosion and make sure it continues to hold its' shape over time.
    Fifth, once the soil is safely set the area can be seeded, sodded, or landscaped to restore the aesthetics and improve drainage further.

Benefits to Reshaping Land for Better Drainage

● Cost-Effective: Generally, grading is a more affordable option compared to installing drainage systems or waterproofing barriers.● Preventative Protection: By directing water away, grading minimizes the risk of water pooling and seeping through foundation cracks.● Improve Aesthetics: A well-graded landscape can enhance the overall look and functionality of your yard.

Downsides to Reshaping Land for Better Drainage

● Limited Protection: Grading alone may not fully protect against water intrusion, especially in areas prone to heavy rainfall or flooding.● Erosion Risk: If done incorrectly or if water issues are particularly severe, the new slope may erode over time and lose effectiveness.● Potential Water Issues for Neighbors: Precise care must be taken to ensure that redirecting water doesn’t create problems for neighboring properties.

Reshaping the Land to Improve Drainage is Best Suited For...

Reshaping your land to improve drainage and protect your basement from water problems is particularly suited for:

    Properties experiencing minor water pooling or those looking to proactively manage water flow would likely see benefits from reshaping the land.

    If you're planning to re-landscape your property, integrating proper grading from the start can efficiently address water issues while blending aesthetically.

    For homes in need of more comprehensive solutions, grading provides a solid foundation when used alongside other waterproofing or drainage methods.

Interior Basement Waterproofing Solutions

While exterior solutions are all about preventing water from infiltrating into your home, interior waterproofing takes a very different approach.

Interior waterproofing hinges on managing water after it's broken into your basement, dealing with the moisture once it's in your home.


This is an important distinction, as some interior "waterproofing" methods are more accurately described as 'water mitigation'. It's not necessarily 'fixing' the issue, the focus is on mitigating the effects of water intrusion.

If your home only deals with minor water problems, interior water mitigation could be an economical and efficient solution. But, even though it may be attractive due to its relatively lower cost, there are key considerations to account for when thinking about interior solutions.

Interior Sealants or Coatings on Basement Walls

When facing minor leaks, dampness, or moisture, a popular options homeowners turn to are interior sealants or coatings.
Interior sealants are generally formulated to seep into your basement walls and bond with the masonry to prevent moisture from seeping inside.


Meanwhile, waterproof coatings are usually thicker, more akin to a cement-based paint, and create a barrier on the interior surface of your walls.
These are a common "DIY fix" that can be readily found at home improvement stores, for application with a brush or spraying. Interior sealants may also be applied by professional contractors using more heavy-duty products.
The biggest draw of interior sealants or coatings is the fact they can be purchased at a store and applied by homeowners, which reduces the overall cost of the project.

Process for Applying Interior Sealants/Coatings on Basement Wall

    Wall surfaces are prepared by carefully removing any loose material, dirt, flaking paint, and grease to ensure sealants or coatings achieve good adhesion.
    Cracks or holes in your wall should be filled and smoothed to ensure a successful application of sealant and protect against future leaks.
    Using a brush, roller, or sprayer, sealant or coating should be applied evenly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    Adequate time must be given for the product to properly dry and cure. How long this takes will vary depending on the product and conditions in your basement.

Benefits of Interior Sealants/Coatings on Basement Wall

● Ease of Use: Many of these products are user-friendly and designed for DIY application.● Cost-Effective: Compared to exterior waterproofing options, interior sealants and coatings can be less expensive.● Immediate Results: They offer a quick fix, providing immediate improvement for minor dampness issues.

Downsides of Interior Sealants/Coatings on Basement Wall

● Temporary Solution: They may not be the most durable or long-lasting, often serving as a temporary measure rather than a definitive fix.● Not for Major Issues: These products are ineffective against serious water intrusion problems or high hydrostatic pressure.● Maintenance Required: Periodic reapplication may be necessary to maintain their effectiveness.

Interior Sealants/Coatings on Basement Wall are Best Suited For...

    If your home is experiencing light moisture on the walls or occasional small leaks, you may find these products solve your issues.
    In areas where high moisture levels are not common, these solutions can hold up better and have a longer lifespan.
    When used alongside with other water protection solutions, such as exterior drainage, interior sealants can contribute to your overall defenses.

Interior Sump Pump to Remove Water

An interior sump pump is a common and relatively effective method of expelling water that finds its way into your basement. Installing it requires a pit (the sump) to be dug in your basement floor, where a plastic sump tank can be inserted. A sump pump is then installed into the tank and piped to the exterior of your house.


Sump pumps act like automated water removal systems, working with the slope of your basement floor to direct water towards the sump pit. Once the water reaches a certain level, the sump pump automatically activates to pump it away from your foundation. When installed correctly this can provide effective protection from flooding, particularly during high rainfall.
While sump pumps are useful in managing water intrusion, they don't prevent it. Pairing it with other water protection solutions will increase its effectiveness. And keep in mind regular maintenance is essential to ensure reliable service.

Installing a Sump Pump

    Site Selection: Identifying the right location for your sump pit is critical to enjoying effective protection. Ideally it should be placed close to an exterior wall, near a power outlet, and in an area where water will naturally collect.
    Excavation: In order to place the pump, a hole needs to be dug in your basement floor to create the sump pit. This can include cutting or breaking through concrete, excavating soil, and removing it from your home.
    Discharge Pipe: Moving the water from your sump pit to the exterior of your home requires a discharge pipe to be installed through your basement wall. It usually involves drilling a hole, setting the pipe, and sealing it to prevent leaks.
    Install & Seal Sump Pit: A plastic or fiberglass sump tank is installed into the excavated hole and set in place. This ensures water is safely contained and won't leak into the ground beneath your home. After the tank is secured, the area is sealed to prevent loose material falling in.
    Install Pump: The sump pump can then be installed into the tank and connected the to the discharge pipe leading out of your home. Once plugged into power, it's ready to move moisture!
    Test Pump: It's always a good idea to test your new sump pump to ensure it's working correctly. Do this by pouring water into the pit until the pump activates, and check to see it discharges water as expected.

Benefits of Sump Pumps

● Effective Water Removal: Sump pumps actively remove water from your basement, preventing pooling or flooding water.● Automatic Operation: Most models operate automatically, providing constant protection without the need for manual intervention.● Reduced Humidity: By stopping water from collecting in your basement, a sump pump can help reduce overall humidity and dampness.

Downsides of Sump Pumps

● Needs Electricity: In the event of power loss, unless a backup pump or power is installed, your sump pump will not work.● Maintenance: Regular maintenance and check-ups are required to ensure they remain in working condition, especially for pumps that run frequently.● Noise: Modern sump pumps are much better than they used to be, but can still generate significant noise when running. This could be annoying if your basement is used often.

Ideal Situations for Sump Pumps

    Is your home in an area prone to heavy rains or flooding? You may benefit from a sump pump as an added layer of protection.
    If your basement is located below the water table, the odds are good it will flood at some point. A sump pump can help manage high water tables and water seeping into your home.
    As we mentioned earlier, a sump pump isn't a "waterproofing" solution. It's simply dealing with water already in your basement. Combining a sump pump with other waterproofing techniques will maximize your protection for the long-term.

How to Choose the Right Basement Waterproofing Solution for Your Home

Choosing the right basement waterproofing solution requires careful consideration that accounts for both the nature of the problem you're dealing with, and the specific conditions of your home. No two homes are ever really alike, so each requires its own approach to isolating it from water.


Based on our nearly two decades of work in Central New York, here's some key questions to ask when considering a waterproofing or water mitigation solution for your home:

  • How severe is the water problem in my basement?

    Significant water problems will typically require waterproofing solutions, such as sealing the exterior and installing drainage. More mild challenges may need less-extensive techniques or fixes.

  • Is my home located in a flood-prone or high-water-table area?

    Much of Central New York is prone to flooding and high water tables, owing to our geography and climate. If you're facing a particularly flood-prone or high-water location, you'll need stronger protection.

  • What is my budget for waterproofing?

    Cost shouldn't be the only consideration, but it is of course an important one. That said, you must balance the cost of a fix against the consequences of not doing anything. Or, at least not doing it the right way. Allowing water into your home is a sure-fire recipe for future disaster.

  • Would I prefer a quick solution or a more permanent one?

    Interior sealants or sump pumps can be quicker to install than permanent solutions like exterior waterproofing, but they may not perform as well or last as long. If you want long-lasting protection you won't need to worry about, and have the time, you might want to consider exterior waterproofing.

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    Am I prepared to undertake regular maintenance if required?

    Certain solutions, like interior sealants or sump pumps, require on-going maintenance to guarantee their performance and effectiveness. If continuing maintenance sounds like a hassle, you'll want to look into low or no-maintenance options.

  • How invasive can the waterproofing process be?

    Exterior waterproofing is a bullet-proof way to completely secure your home against water leaks and floods. But, it is relatively invasive to install. While your property can be restored to its' original condition without significant work, it's important to consider how much disruption you're willing to handle.

Now, here's the part of the article where we put on our "opinion hat". After performing countless basement waterproofing installations over the years, we've developed a strong preference for complete exterior waterproofing and drainage.


We understand it's the more expensive option, however it boasts incredible performance and consistently delivers more robust protection against water intrusion. It prevents water from entering your house at all and directs moisture safely away from your foundation. Of all the solutions covered here, this is the most enduring and high-performing solution you can find.
That's not to say interior waterproofing solutions aren't an effective tool in mitigating water issues or providing temporary fixes. Depending on the severity of your problem, they may be a great answer.

Finding a Great Central New York Basement Waterproofing Contractor

Finding a competent, reliable, and experienced basement waterproofing contractor is critical if you want the job done right. Hiring a subpar contractor can lead to enormous headaches and problems down the road. Corners may be cut, materials might be inferior, and the work could be poorly-performed.


Not only does this fail to fix your basement water troubles, you may be on the hook for additional fixes and re-work in the future.
Thankfully, if you know how to identify the great contractors, securing the services of a superb company isn't a daunting task.
Here's what you should look for in a quality basement waterproofing contractor and key questions to ask...

What to Look For in a Basement Waterproofing Contractor

● Licensed & Insured: Ensure they have the proper licensing for your area and that they carry both liability and worker's compensation insurance.● Good Reputation: Check for a solid reputation through reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth recommendations.● Solid Experience: Look for contractors with extensive experience specifically in basement waterproofing.● Warranties & Guarantees: Ask about any warranties or guarantees they offer on their work.● Professional Inspection: A great contractor will offer a thorough inspection to diagnose the specific issues.● Quality Materials: Ensure they use high-grade materials that are appropriate for the local climate and soil conditions.● Clear Quotes & Contracts: The bid should be detailed, and the contract should outline the full scope of work.

10 Questions to Ask a Basement Waterproofing Contractor

  • 1

    "Are you licensed and fully insured?"

    Verify that the contractor is legitimate and properly covered.

  • 2

    "How many years of experience do you have with basement waterproofing in Central New York?"

    Gain insight into their familiarity with the specific challenges we face in Central New York.

  • 3

    "Can you provide references from past projects?"

    References are an excellent way to assess the contractor's track record.

  • 4

    "What’s your approach to basement waterproofing?"

    This helps you understand their methods and whether they lean towards interior or exterior solutions.

  • 5

    "What materials do you typically use, and why?"

    Material choice can significantly impact the quality and longevity of the work.

  • 6

    "Do you offer a warranty or guarantee on your work?"

    Warranties or guarantees reassure you that your investment is protected.

  • 7

    "How will you address unexpected issues if they arise during the project?"

    Good contractors will always have a plan for managing unforeseen complications or circumstances.

  • 8

    "Can you provide a written bid and contract?"

    A formal bid and contract gives you a clear idea of the cost and protects your interests.

  • 9

    "What is the projected timeline for completion?"

    Understanding how long a project could take helps you better plan for the project.

  • 10

    "How do you manage cleanup and disposal post-project?"

    Quality post-work cleanup plans indicate a contractor has high attention to detail and respect for your property.

What's the Cost of Basement Waterproofing in Central NY

It's the most popular question we get asked at CDP Excavating: "What's going to be the cost of my basement waterproofing project?"


And as much as we wish we could give a single answer to that question, it's actually a surprisingly complex query. The cost of your basement waterproofing project will vary based on a variety of factors, and each situation comes with its own considerations.
Still, we'd never leave you hanging! Even though there's no "one size fits all" answer, let's look at the factors that will affect your costs and uncover some estimates:

Factors Affecting Basement Waterproofing Cost

● Size of the Area: The larger your basement or area that requires waterproofing, the more work and materials it will take to install. This, naturally, will increase your costs.● Waterproofing Method: Different waterproofing or water mitigation solutions will impact your costs considerably. Generally speaking, exterior waterproofing is more labor-intensive and involves more complex work, which can drive up the price.● Extent of Water Problems: Minor issues like slight dampness will cost less to fix than serious water leakage that requires extensive waterproofing measures.● Materials Used: The quality and type of materials chosen for waterproofing can greatly influence the overall cost.● Labor: The complexity of the job and the expertise of the contractors can affect labor costs.
Additional Features: Installing sump pumps, dehumidifiers, or other moisture control systems as part of the waterproofing process, will add to your overall costs.

Estimating The Cost of Basement Waterproofing

Before we talk cost estimates, here's our caveat: The best way to get an accurate idea of what basement waterproofing will cost for your home is to consult with an experienced basement waterproofing contractor. They can offer a comprehensive assessment of your specific situation and provide a detailed quote based on your home's requirements.


But, we know that's not the most satisfying answer. So, here's a rough idea of what basement waterproofing may cost in our region...

  • Cost of Interior Waterproofing / Water Mitigation

    Costs for interior waterproofing in Central New York can range from relatively inexpensive solutions such as sealants, which might cost a few hundred dollars, to more intricate systems like sump pumps which can run from $1,500 to $3,000 depending on the scope and complexity of the project.

  • Cost of Exterior Waterproofing

    Typically more costly due to the labor-intensive process of excavating around a home's foundation, prices for exterior waterproofing can range from $5,000 to over $15,000. However, these prices are greatly influenced by location, depth of excavation, work required, and additional landscaping required post-project.

As you can see, exterior waterproofing will generally be a more expensive solution. However, it also provides the best protection against water intrusion into your home. Less expensive options can be easier on the wallet, but may not deliver enough defense to properly deal with water problems.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers About Basement Waterproofing

Here's some commonly asked questions about basement waterproofing, from homeowners like you in Central New York.

  • 1: How does Central New York's climate affect basement water issues?

    Central New York's climate is characterized by cold, snowy winters and beautiful-but-rainy summers. Our freeze-thaw cycles can cause cracks to form in your foundation, opening a clear path for water to enter. Heavy rainfalls in the spring and summer increase the risk of basement flooding. Properties along lakes, rivers, or creeks, can experience high water tables which exert huge pressure. In short, our climate creates a variety of serious challenges when it comes to preventing water in your basement.

  • 2: Is it worth getting my basement waterproofed if I rarely have water issues?

    Even if water problems seem infrequent, it's worth considering waterproofing. Even occasional water intrusion can cause hidden damage over time, like mold growth and structural deterioration. Left unchecked the problems will only get worse and could reach a point where extremely costly repairs are required. At their worst, they can lead to your home becoming uninhabitable. It's always best to deal with water problems, even occasional ones, to ensure a safe and comfortable home.

  • 3: What maintenance is required after my basement has been waterproofed?

    Maintenance will depend on the type of waterproofing system installed. For interior systems with sump pumps, you should be regularly inspecting and testing the pump. For exterior solutions, you'll want to ensure that gutters and downspouts remain clear and that soil grading continues to divert water away from your home. Periodic inspections will help catch potential issues early.

  • 4: Can I perform waterproofing as a DIY project, or should I always hire a professional?

    While some aspects of waterproofing such as applying sealants or improving gutters and drainage can be great DIY projects, major waterproofing work should be handled by professionals. They'll have the expertise, and equipment, to correctly diagnose problems and provide long-lasting solutions. Improperly executed waterproofing can make your problems worse, so for major work professional installation is highly recommended.


In Central New York, the anxiety of watching weather forecasts and dreading our next big storm is an unfortunate reality for many. The unique geography and conditions we face create a perfect environment for your basement to experience problems with moisture and flooding.
And the impact of water intrusion isn't just financial or practical. The emotional toll and disruption to your family can be dramatic as well.
Thankfully, it’s not all doom and gloom! Throughout our 17+ years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen firsthand the enormous difference a secure waterproofing solution makes. And with a complete range of different options available to you, each with their own benefits, it's a guarantee there's one that's right for your home.


After installing basement waterproofing protection for countless homeowners across the region, we've found that a full exterior waterproofing solution stands out as the most effective way to permanently eliminate water issues in your basement. This approach addresses water at its source, providing lasting peace of mind.
But, for more mild water problems, you may also find that less-extensive techniques can deliver all the defense you need for less cost. It all comes down to the severity of your problem, location, and how permanent you want the fix to be.
Finally, we want to leave an earnest warning about ignoring water issues in your home. It might seem tempting to leave it be, but the cost of inaction can be far higher that resolving it. Taking preventative steps now can save a great deal of stress and expense in the future.
Don’t let water dictate how you live in your own home. If you'd like to learn more about basement waterproofing services, get in touch with our friendly team to learn more about your options tailored for Central New York. Your peace of mind is worth the call.

Author Information

  • Illustration

    This post was written by the team at CDP Excavating, using our 17+ years of experience installing permanent basement waterproofing protection in beautiful Central New York. CDP Excavating is run by Jason Perry, whose passion for working with the earth goes back to his childhood. Independently-owned and family-run, we're humbled to be a leading choice of contractor for homeowners in the region.

*Some images in this blog post have been generated using AI.

Questions About What You Just Read?

Have questions about waterproofing your basement in Central New York? Feel free to get in touch with our friendly team!

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Areas That CDP Excavating Serves in Central New York

Albion, Amboy, Baldwinsville, Boylston, Camillus, Central Square, Cicero, Clay, Cleveland, Constantia, DeWitt, Fabius, Fulton, Geddes, Granby, Hannibal, Hastings, Lacona, Lafayette, Lysander, Manlius, Marcellus, Mexico, Minetto, New Haven, Onondaga, Orwell, Oswego, Otisco, Palermo, Parish, Phoenix, Pompey, Pulaski, Redfield, Richland, Salina, Sandy Creek, Schroeppel, Scriba, Skaneateles, Stafford, Tully, Vanburen, Volney, West Monroe, Williamstown