Supporting Cottages & Cabins With Helical Pile Foundations

Central New York is a beautiful place to build your dream cottage or cabin. But before you do, you need to read this post.
Helical pile foundations are an alternative to traditional solutions like concrete, and they could completely transform how you build your getaway space.
Delivering big support in a compact package and able to overcome the challenging conditions we face, they can unlock untold speed and stability for your cottage or cabin. See what they can do for you in this in-depth post!



There's no doubt that Central New York has some of the most stunning landscapes to be found in America. From crystal-clear lakes and rivers to lush forests, we're practically spoiled by our natural environment.

It's no surprise, then, that cottages and cabins are popular ways for families to enjoy the beauty our region offers. Whether a grand lakefront cottage or a cozy cabin, people are more interested than ever in building their dream getaway. If you're reading this, chances are you share the same dream!

But, before you build that serene escape, you need to decide what you'll build it on. The foundation you choose will make the difference between decades of happy memories or constant repairs and frustration.

While concrete is a common option for cottage and cabin foundations in Central New York, it brings some challenges. Requiring extensive site preparation, excavation, and disturbance, they can be difficult and costly to use in ecologically-sensitive areas or those with high water tables.

The good news is, there's an alternative to concrete foundations that can be installed over 180% faster with virtually no site prep or excavation. That foundation is known as helical piles, and they have the ability to completely transform your cottage or cabin build.

In this post, we're going to explore:

● What are helical pile foundations● How they work● Why they're so effective for cottages and cabins● What the installation process looks like● Benefits of this unique solution

No matter if you're a homeowner, contractor, engineer, or architect, by the end of this post you'll have a clear understanding of helical piles and how they can help you build better!

Understanding Helical Pile Foundations


Helical piles are an extremely unique foundation that, instead of being installed with excavation or pile-driving, are simply rotated down into the ground. Kind of like a massive screw going into wood!
They were first invented nearly 200 years ago by a man named Alexander Mitchell, a blind Irish engineer who had a keen understanding of soil science for the time. Seeking a foundation solution that could hold structures like lighthouses in the wet and loose soils found along coastlines, he devised the "screw pile".
Quick note! The term screw pile and helical pile both refer to the same foundation. We will use "helical piles" in this article.
Mitchell found great success with his helical pile technology and it would go on to support countless lighthouses, bridges, piers, and more, throughout the 19th and early 20th century. In the 1970's interest in this foundation would be re-ignited, leading to a helical pile boom.
By the early 2000's helical piles were being successfully used for projects ranging from backyard decks to towering high-rise buildings in New York City. Today they're one of the fastest, strongest, and cleanest foundation options on the market.
But what makes the humble helical pile such a revolutionary foundation for cottages and cabins nearly two centuries later? Let's take a closer look at what a helical pile is all about.

How Does A Helical Pile Foundation For Cottages & Cabins Work?


Pictures speak a thousand words, so a great place to build your understanding of helical piles is with a close look at their design.
Let's walk through each of the components and see exactly how they work.

1. Pile Shaft

The body of a helical pile is, in most cases, comprised of a sturdy steel pipe capable of withstanding enormous force. They come in a variety of diameters to suit your specific project, but common sizes suitable for cottages and cabins range between 2-3/8" to 5". You can also find helical piles with solid square shafts, however these are more commonly used in commercial applications.


The length of a pile shaft can also vary, although the most typical options are 7', 10', and 15'. Galvanized coatings may also be applied to the pile for increased protection against corrosion, or left as bare steel if soil conditions are appropriate.

Finally, the first section of a helical pile to go into the ground is known as a lead section.

2. Helix Plate

The impressive performance of helical piles is due in large part to the helix plate - a crucial component that gives them their name.
This plate is specially shaped to allow the helical pile to smoothly advance into the ground with virtually no soil displacement. Once it's anchored securely, the soil applies pressure above and beneath the helix plate.


It's exactly this soil pressure that "locks" the helical pile firmly in place, preventing it from sinking downwards or heaving upwards. That's why helical piles can achieve huge strength even in very weak soil. The large surface area of the helix plate allows for more soil to push on it.

A "typical" helical pile will have one helix plate, however more may be included depending on your load requirements and specific soil conditions. The diameter of the helix plate can also be adjusted to increase strength.

3. Adapter (Pile Cap)

Putting your helical piles in the ground is one thing, but your ultimate goal is to (of course) support your cottage or cabin on-top of them! In order to achieve this, you'll need an adapter.


These components attach to the top of your helical pile after installation and provide a sturdy and straightforward connection to any cottage or cabin. There's even pile caps that can transition to poured concrete, meaning you can use helical piles to support a basement or crawlspace!
Our pile adapters are also fully height-adjustable, making it easy to achieve a perfectly-level support.

4. Pile Extension

Remember that the first section of a helical pile is called the lead section and is typically found in 7', 10', and 15' lengths. However, if soil conditions are especially poor, your helical piles may have to go deeper to reach firm layers.


If this happens, we can increase the length of the pile using extensions. This allows us to advance them deeper into the ground to achieve the required performance.

The process for attaching extensions couldn't be simpler, either. Once the lead section has been installed, we attach an extension to that lead section using strong bolts. We can then continue turning the pile down until we hit good soil.

Why Helical Piles Are So Effective in Central New York


Alright, now that we have a better understanding of what a helical pile is, it's time to dive into the really fun stuff! Let's examine why helical piles work are such a firm foundation for cottages and cabins.
And it all begins with the soil under our feet.

The soil conditions across much of the Central New York region can be, to say the least, extremely challenging and difficult.

Many areas, particularly those near the water, are prone to flooding and erosion. Our soil composition can also include large amounts of sand or clay, making them more likely to experience significant movement which can damage other foundation solutions like concrete.

Suffice to say, these factors can be a serious problem for any structure that doesn't have a foundation ready to withstand them!

How Helical Piles Mitigate Flood Risks and High Water Tables


In areas prone to flooding or with high water tables, helical piles can go beyond the layers of saturation and ensure the foundation finds stable and dry strata. Anchoring in deeper stable soil layers minimizes the risk of foundation damage due to water and shifting soils.

You can also use helical piles to elevate your cottage or cabin above ground level, adding even more flood protection to your structure and preventing water ingress.

How Helical Piles Overcome Soil Erosion


Soil erosion is another key concern for any foundation in our area, as it can quickly undermine traditional foundation solutions.
The design of a helical pile creates minimal soil disturbance during installation which preserves the integrity of your land and reduces the impact of erosion over time.

Additionally, because they can be installed to reach the most stable soil layers beneath erosion-prone topsoil, they deliver a durable and long-term solution for keeping your cottage or cabin stable in tough environments.

How Helical Piles Are Installed for Cottages & Cabins


The process for installing a helical pile foundation for cottages and cabins is simple and straightforward. Because helical piles are a well-understood and researched technology, there are established best-practices and procedures to follow.

Our team at CDP Excavating follows these best-practices to ensure each helical pile we install is accurate, safe, and ready to provide long-lasting support.

Here's how a typical cottage or cabin or cottage helical foundation installation looks...

1: Design The Foundation


A quality foundation starts with an engineer-driven design. While some helical contractors are willing to start installing piles without an approved set of plans, we don't. It can lead to failing inspections, fines, and even the refusal of permission to build.

By working with an engineer to either create or review the structural plans, we can ensure the helical pile foundation is safe, economical, and approved.

2: Mark Pile Locations


After an engineer has approved the foundation plan, the locations for each pile can be marked accordingly on-site. Many people simply do this with spray paint, although we recommend using a large nail or spike instead to increase accuracy.

3: Install Helical Piles


Using a special "helical drive" attachment on our excavator, we carefully position each pile and smoothly rotate it into the ground. Depending on conditions and the size of your foundation, the total installation process can be completed in a few short hours.

As we install each helical pile, we monitor the torque we're applying to continue rotating it. We can use these torque figures to calculate how much weight capacity each pile will have. It unlocks real-time quality control for your entire foundation.

4: Set Pile Adapters


As mentioned, a 'pile adapter' is responsible for transitioning from the helical piles in the ground to your cottage or cabin. For most of these structures, you can use a flat-plate, U-bracket, or L-bracket.
If you're placing the building on a concrete crawlspace or basement, you can use helical piles as footers with a concrete adapter.

Regardless of which adapter is right for you, all of them are height-adjustable meaning you'll have a level foundation to build on.

As you can see, installing a helical pile foundation for a cottage or cabin is a hassle-free job that results in virtually no disruption to your property. Plus, you can build on a helical foundation immediately and save valuable time.

Benefits of Helical Piles for Cottages & Cabins

  • Speedy

    Able to be installed dramatically faster than other foundation solutions (up to 180% and beyond), helical piles significantly reduce your construction timelines.

  • Eco-Friendly

    The installation of helical piles requires minimal ground prep and causes virtually zero disturbance to the soil. Plus, they use far less raw materials than something like concrete. You can even remove and recycle (or reuse) the helical piles someday!

  • Versatile

    Soft soils, limited access, high ground water, remote locations, helical piles can tackle it all and beyond. Build your cottage or cabin exactly where you want, not where you foundation dictates.

  • Strong

    Enormously resistant to any kind of shifting or movement, helical piles are one of the strongest and toughest foundation solutions available today. Ready to support large or small projects.

  • Long-Lifespan

    Due to their steel construction and the low levels of oxygen deep in the soil, helical piles are hugely resistant to corrosion. Unless soil conditions are abnormally severe, which is rare, a typical helical pile can last well over 50 years.

  • Cost-Effective

    By avoiding extensive excavation and site preparation, helical piles are more economical over the life of your cottage or cabin. With no maintenance requirements, they're truly a "set and forget" solution.

Frequently Asked Questions About Helical Piles for Cottages & Cabins

  • Do engineers and contractors trust helical piles for cottages and cabins?

    Yes! Engineers and contractors across America trust helical piles due to their proven stability, versatility, eco-friendliness, and ease of installation. They have been extensively studied by experts from across the world and are regarded as a reliable foundation solution for cottages and cabins.

  • Why should I choose helical piles instead of concrete piers?

    While we are not "anti concrete", helical piles do offer several benefits compared to concrete piers. Helical piles can be installed quicker, cause minimal environmental impact, do not require curing time, and can be used in a wider range of soil types. They can also be used immediately after installation and are not affected by weather conditions.

  • How long will a helical pile last under my cottage or cabin?

    Helical piles are designed to last a very long time, with a lifespan that can easily exceed 50 years. Available with galvanized coatings to resist corrosion and wear, you'll enjoy worry-free long term support.

  • Are helical piles expensive?

    The initial cost of helical piles can be higher than other foundation options. However, when considering the reduced installation time, minimal site preparation, and minimal impact on surrounding environments, helical piles are a cost-effective solution in the long run.

  • Can helical piles handle severe weather and flooding?

    Absolutely! In fact helical piles are particularly well-suited to withstand severe weather conditions, including flooding. Their deep anchoring into stable soil layers provides excellent resistance to shifting and movement, even in areas prone to flood and freeze-thaw cycles.



Building a cottage or cabin is about so much more than having a fun escape where you can enjoy well-deserved relaxation.
It's creating a place where you can forge memories with family and friends for decades to come.

In this post, we explored how helical pile foundations can offer a lasting and durable support for your cottage or cabin project. A great alternative to traditional concrete foundations, they deliver strong performance even in challenging soil conditions.

That's important, because we saw the soil conditions in Central New York tend to be saturated and difficult to work with. You need a foundation that, like helical piles, extends beyond loose and shifting layers in order to anchor in firm ground.

You also saw that helical piles are easy and minimally-disruptive to install, preserving the natural landscape while delivering deep support. They're a speedy solution too, often ready to use within a single day.

It's this combination of strength, speed, and versatility, that has made helical piles an extremely popular option for cottage and cabin construction.

If you'd like to learn more about helical piles and find out if they're a good fit for your new cottage or cabin build, get in touch with our friendly team at CDP Excavating. We'd be happy to offer our advice, answer your questions, and put together a no-obligation foundation quote for you. Let us show you how easy it can be!

Author Information

  • Illustration

    This post was written by the team at CDP Excavating, using our 17+ years of experience operating in Central New York. CDP Excavating is run by Jason Perry, whose passion for big projects and working with the earth goes back to his childhood. Independently-owned and family-run, we offer high-quality helical pile foundation services to engineers, contractors, homeowners, and more.

Questions About What You Just Read?

Have questions about using helical pile foundations to build a better cottage or cabin in Central New York? Get in touch with our friendly team to learn more.

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